REGULATOR FIXICONTROLUnicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT, Input nut, and with single and double 2 010,00
REGULATOR MAXEX ACETYLENEUnicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT, Input nut, and with single and double 1 620,00
REGULATOR MAXEX AR/MIXUnicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT. Input nut, and with single and double 1 620,00
REGULATOR MAXEX CO2Unicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT. Input nut, and with single and double 2 260,00
REGULATOR MAXEX HYDROGENUnicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT. Input nut, and with single and double 1 890,00
REGULATOR MAXEX AIRUnicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT. Input nut, and with single and double 1 890,00
REGULATOR MAXEX NITROGENUnicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT. Input nut, and with single and double 1 890,00
REGULATOR MAXEX OXYGENUnicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT, Input nut, and with single and double 1 620,00
REGULATOR MAXEX PROPANEMaxex is a high-quality regulator with a large capacity. Used for normal and high gas 1 620,00
REGULATOR FIXICONTROLUnicontrol 300 exist for most industrial gases and is supplied with both HT, Input nut, and with single and double 33,00