PORTABLE CRIMPING MACHINE H26 EPortable crimping machine designed for field service, hand pump is separately from the machine.kr 22 800,00
PORTABLE CRIMPING MACHINE H47 EPortable crimping machine designed for field service, hand pump is separately from the machine.kr 16 300,00
PORTABLE CRIMPING MACHINE P64 PMPortable crimping machine designed for field service, hand pump is separately from the machine.kr 46 000,00
PORTABLE CRIMPING MACHINE S2 M HPortable crimping machine designed for field service, hand pump is separately from the machine.kr 37 500,00
CRIMPING MACHINE TESSPOWER P16HP HAND PUMPPortable crimping machine designed for field servicekr 21 300,00
CRIMPING MACHINE TESSPOWER P16HPZ HAND PUMPHand-operated machine for crimping of hoses. Separate press head.kr 26 500,00
CRIMPING MACHINE TESSPOWER P20SCC ELECTRICElectric machine with digital control panel for crimping of hoseskr 89 000,00